Manmohan Desai the famous director of Bollywood was said to have relationship with actress Nanda from 1992 until he died in 1994. The filmmaker had one son Ketan Desai who is a part of the film industry presently. Manmohan got his first break with the Bollywood?s 1960 release Chhalia. Bluff Master, Dharam Veer, Desh Premee were the films directed by Manmohan Desai.
Manmohan Desai was acknowledged for his family-oriented, action-song-and-dance movies which supplied to the tastes of the Indian public and through which he got fame. His movies demonstrated a new genre called masala. The filmmaker then started working with
Amitabh Bachchan on Amar Akbar Anthony, Parvarish, Suhaag, Naseeb,
Desh Premee, Coolie, Mard and Ganga Jamuna Saraswati; all but the last were box office successes.
He was one of the directors who had a different kind of working style with Amitabh Bachchan, the others being
Yash Chopra, Prakash Mehra,
Ramesh Sippy, and Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Apart from the strong actor Amitabh Bachchan, Manmohan Desai also worked with Raj Kapoor in Chhalia, Shammi Kapoor,
Rajesh Khanna in Sachaa Jhutha, Randhir Kapoor in Raampur Ka Lakshman, Shashi Kapoor in "Aa Gale Lag Jaa, with
Dharmendra as well as Jeetendra in Dharam Veer and last but not the leas with the cute star Rishi Kapoor in Coolie. Out of the 20 movies that Manmohan Desai directed in his career span of 29 years, as stated thirteen were astounding hits. His success graph rated high.
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