Europe in May, reached India in July, the presence of E coli virus in water and food products is alarming the authorities and doctors in the metros like Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi and Kolkata.
Since E coli outbreak in May-June 2011 in European coutries, that killed 31people and made more than 3000 seriously ill, it was being talked out in local media that the risk is spreading to other north and eastern countries.
The pioneer in the field of developing technology for new hybrids like H1N1 last year, Life Technologies Corporation shares the information of the effective use of the Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM?) technology, which took only three hours to produce a preliminary genetic sequence identifying a particularly virulent in comparison to the older generation machines that can take days if not weeks to produce the same information.
When asked about the scenario in India, Devashish Ohri, MD, of Life Technologies, South Asia Operations, mentioned ?The government and private research laboratories in India are moving towards innovative approaches of using the PGM to identify bacterial strains. Here, our Invitrogen consumables and Applied Biosystems instruments provide a wide spectrum of solutions to meet research and investigators need in fighting some of the challenges that we?re facing nowadays. The Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine sequencer is for research use only. It is not for use in diagnostic procedures?, he added.
Dr. Maneesh Jain, Head of Marketing, Ion Torrent (US) adds further, ?The role we are playing in helping the world with the E. coli outbreak, just like we did with the H1N1 crisis, connects us directly with the scientists all across the world?.
The PGM?s versatility, speed and cost effectiveness allows health authorities and scientists to deploy this technology not only in the metros but also other cities, which will enable even faster responsiveness to further such events.
For Further Information Contact Parul Chawla: 09833577407 / 022-22926509/ 09004136155
-- Posted By RASRAJ