The most renowned Bollywood director Mahesh Bhatt predestined the June 3, 2011 conflict and police firing at Forbesganj in Bihar that took four lives and stated that the happening was a mirror image of communal way of thinking. The filmmaker also said that the incident at Forbesganj is similar to what had happened in Gujarat last time. If such incident is not stopped, Bihar will also come across huge damage. And not just that but the director also had made an appointment with chief minister Nitish Kumar for discussion on the serious issue.
There is a situation parallel to Jammu and Kashmir and Nagaland at Bhajanpura in Forbesganj and horror triumph in the minds of the people living there because of heavy police security in the area. Mahesh Bhatt have full confidence in Nitish Kumar, and said that he has requested the Chief Minister to bring a end to these kind of terrifying incidents.Social activist Shabnam Hashmi attacked the state government for deteriorating to make available reimbursements to the affected families even after a week of the incident.
The government holds that returns will be paid to the victims' families once the judicial investigation ends is inappropriate. Shabnam demanded that Nitish Kumar ask for forgiveness for the police action and the superintendent of police and sub-divisional officer who were in attendance at the spot during the firing be allow to go. Shabnam Hashmi also suspected that the incident took place on the instruction of deputy chief minister SK Modi and BJP MLC Ashok Agrawal and asserted that the chief minister should put a check on the SK Modi's executions.