Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is currently promoting `Rockstar`, clears the air about his next venture `Barfee`, saying it is a romantic-comedy set in 1970s and not a serious film.
"It is not a special character, people are just blowing it out of proportion. The treatment to the character and film is not serious at all. It is a romantic-comedy which has been set in 1970s. My character is very fun-loving (awaara types)," Ranbir told reporters.
The actor plays a deaf and dumb person, Priyanka will be seen as a mentally-challenged girl and Ileana D`Cruz will be seen as a narrator.
Ranbir says people perceive it as a serious film because Anurag Basu is helming it.
"But he (Basu) is completely a child at heart. It has been fun working with him and also teaming up with Priyanka (Chopra) after `Anjana Anjani`. She is very fun loving and professional at the same time. It is a treat to work with her. She is very talented. And also Ilena D`Cruz is amazing," he added.
Asked if he had to go through any special training for the film, he said: "I didn`t really have to go through any special training drill. I had assisted in the film `Black`, where I got an opportunity to learn sign language."
Ranbir Kapoor was the assistant director to Sanjay Leela Bhansali in the `Black`.