Singer Lalitya Munshaw opined at this juncture ?To light a candle, we need a lit candle. Gurus are like guides of mankind, who leads us to the path of spiritualism which takes us beyond pain, sorrow and this phenomenal existence, into a realm of perennial felicity, infinite bliss and immortal life. Gurus awaken the dormant spiritual consciousness of the individual and take them towards realization of the eternal union with divinity and the universal Spirit. The musical initiation of Shlokas, Mantras and Dhuns has been used through the ages to connect the disciple to the Divine. The underlying power of divine music becomes visible through its repetition. The continuous chanting and singing of spiritual music transforms the very life of the aspirant, transforms a non - qualified person into a qualified person, the impure into the pure, and a sinner into a sage. The Guru - Disciple relationship is a unique tradition. It is the link that connects man with God. The indescribable & unknowable spiritual journey and the destination can be best treaded and attained with the guidance and help of the GURU. This is the sole reason for my bringing out the album ?Guru Om? and I hope that it is liked by one and all. If so, then I shall feel that my spiritual mission has been accomplished.? The traditional Shlokas, Mantras and Dhuns of ?Guru Om? are from our ancient epics while the additional lines have been written by Madan Miraj. The music of ?Guru Om? has been composed by Pt. Ramesh Pandey and arranged by Anuraag and it has been rendered beautifully and soulfully by singer Lalitya Munshaw. The 25 Shlokas, Mantras and Dhuns of ?Guru Om? are Guru Brahma, Kripa Guru, Guru Hai Aasma, Trisha Guru, Agyan Tibhirandhsaya, Chintamayem Vyapi, Guru Om Guru Om, Bhogya Guru Viyogaya, Raag Guru Hai Vairagya, Gyaan Tumhi Se Hai, Dhayanmulam Gurumurti, Akhanmandalamkaram Pyapalam, Guru Pran, Saar Tumhi Sansaar, Guru Aradhana, Sadhaya Tumhi, Bramanand, Ek Nityam, Guru Ram, Ansh Tumhi, Karunasagar Adham, Kabira Hari Ke Ruthtey, Guromardhey Sthita, Guru Govind Dou & Guru Shayam. About Re? n R?g? (Her Recording Studio) Lalitya Munshaw has also set up two state of the art recording Studios called ?Re n Raga? in Mumbai. It is one of the most modern and technologically advanced recording studios in the country at the moment. About Antarang (Her Charitable Institution) She also runs a charitable trust called ?Antarang? which aims to facilitate education, art and health wherever it is not available and not affordable.
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Posted By RASRAJ
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