Bollywood film maker, producer Karan Johar talks about the upcoming Hindi movie ?Agneepath?, the remake of the Amitabh Bachchan starrer film. Set for 2012 release, the new film will see Hrithik Roshan playing Vijay Dinanath Chauhan that was originally essayed by Amitabh in 1990. Read the interview at Calcutta Tube.
What made you produce the remake of Agneepath?
When Karan (Malhotra, director) came to me with the idea of doing this Agneepath, initially there was a fear of reputation. But the way he projected it and put it up?the way he adapted it and energized it in a new format, I was very excited. As you all know, the initial Agneepath (produced by Karan?s father Yash Johar), did not meet with commercial expectations. There as always a desire my father had?he would always say: ?I wish we could do it again? because it was a film he was tremendously proud of. But when I heard Karan?s adaptation, I knew that it will surely hit the bull?s eye?I felt it could as far as my understanding of commerce goes.
When Don was remade (by Farhan Akhtar), Amitabh Bachchan said ?original should be left untouched?. What do you think his reaction will be on remaking of another of his classic (Agneepath)?
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He will be one of the first people I would like to show Agneepath (the new one) to. He is Agneepath?he represents Agneepath. Time and again I have said this is not an adaptation, this is a tribute to him (Amitabh Bachchan), to Mukul Anand (director of original Agneepath) and Yash Johar. We are paying our homage to them. We have made this Agneepath with great amount of respect and reverence for them and I can only know that with his (Amitabh Bachchan?s) blessings and love, this film will tide all the turbulence that might come on its path of fire. All I want to say that he will love the film as he loves all of us.
So, you want to say Agneepath is not a remake of the 1990 film?
Of course it is a remake?the name is same-Agneepath, the main protagonist is called Vijay Dinanath Chauhan, the villain is called Kancha Cheena. The basic plot is the same?it?s a revenge film. But there are also many changes and differences from the original track. That?s why I am saying it is a tribute to the original film. I don?t want to use the word ?remake? as this word gets misused often.
Why did you never think of directing this film instead of just producing it?
If I were given the opportunity to direct a film like this, I won?t be able to?I am incapable. As you have seen there is only one moment of action in my entire career when Amitji (Amitabh Bachchan) slaps Hrithik (Roshan) in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. That was the only violence I ever had in my cinema. So the second bout of action in Dharma Productions is again with Hrithik. But there?s a little more than just one slap in Agneepath.
The film releases January 2012. But you have already started promoting your film?
It?s the new age of marketing your product well. We all work hard towards getting a great first week (collection) for our films. So, anyone who says only raising bar of cinema will work at the Box Office, is actually lying. We are into filmmaking because cinema is a beautiful blend of commerce and art.
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