Monday, July 11, 2011

He won't let it go!

Geez Man, get a grip and move on already! Madhur Bhandarkar is still crying reeling from his dream film being ditched. As if that's not enough, now he's taking out his anger on everyone who spoke out in ARB's defense! WTF?

Prodcuer/director Vipul Shah, a close friend of ARB, was also set to make a film with her and Marshmallow (Ladies & Gentlemen) before ARB's pregnancy news was announced. Having that project on hold, Vipul has been vocal about his support for ARB, having said that she had every right to conceal her pregnancy news for as long as she did.

Apparently Vipul was the first on Madhur's Hit Sh*t List. Onlookers say Bhandarkar accosted Shah and proceeded to shout about their difference of opinion:
?When Vipul saw Madhur, he did not expect him to get into an argument at a public place. But Madhur told Vipul he had betrayed a friend by supporting the other side."
A shocked Vipul tried his best to make peace and explained that he merely supported ARB's right to privacy. Bhandarkar ended it by saying he's done with the whole mess and the resolution is between UTV and ARB.

Well obviously he's not "done" with the matter. He's as bitter as a Siberian winter. Vipul Shah confirmed the incident, stating:
?Yes, I did bump into Madhur. He had a certain point of view to put forward. I respect his opinion, but one has to do what one?s conscience allows.?
Other reports are stating that Bhandarkar is on a mission to confront everyone who spoke out in ARB's defense:
?Madhur has been calling up everyone who spoke in defence of Aishwarya. He?s told them that they?re not understanding the loss he?s suffered and what a setback the actress?s withdrawal from the project has been to him.?
Doh! That's taking it too far Idiot! Don't you know when you keep your mouth shut!? Apparently not! Although I have to wonder if Vipul Shah would be this supportive of ARB, if the pregnancy news had leaked during the making of his film?

Oye who knows, this news is already getting old!
[mum.mirror, cinebasti]

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